“The Leading Edge of Dry Ice Blasting”
Dry Ice Blasting and the Environment
Environmental Impact of Dry Ice Blasting

Dry ice blasting will reduce and in some cases eliminate the need for using caustics, solvents and other harsh chemicals normally used in commercial and industrial cleaning.
This means fewer Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) emissions, less chemical exposure hazards to employees and reduced waste disposal. All of these factors result in a net positive effect on our environment.
A majority of the contaminants removed with dry ice blasting can simply be swept or scooped up and disposed of in tradition waste receptacles. There is no added waste from the blast (CO2) media. Generally this relates to a huge cost savings for the typical end user.
When CO2 blast cleaning is utilized for restoration applications, the environmental impact is easy to see. Removing fire, soot and smoke damage from apartment buildings, commercial buildings and residential buildings leaves no residue whatsoever, by contrast, the use of sand, soda and other blasting media results in a large waste stream of spent, contaminated media to be disposed of.
Most commercially available dry ice is made from recaptured or recycled CO2, being expelled by various industrial processes. Thus, the collection of the CO2 gas to be used and formed into dry ice gives it a second useful life and results in no real impact on the environment or atmosphere.
Dry ice blasting is simply the most environmentally friendly cleaning process currently available on the market!